Our Top Needs Lists are updated weekly. Prior to your purchase on Amazon, go to www.smile.amazon.com and choose Jackson Street Youth Services as a recipient. AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your total purchase to Jackson Street.
Thank you for making a difference.
Our Mental Health Program Top Needs
- Basic Play Therapy Package: Purchase through Amazon
- Totika: Purchase through Amazon
- Stop, Relax, Think Board Game: Purchase through Amazon
- Let’s Get Rational Game: Purchase through Amazon
- Mindfulness Matters: Purchase through Amazon
Our Education & Positive Youth Development Top Needs
- Gift Cards (Lakeshore Lanes Bowling, Highland Bowl, Golf City Par 3, Carmike Theaters, Regal Cinemas, etc.; $40 or above)
- Tickets (OMSI, Oregon Zoo, Aquarium, Sporting Events, Theater, etc.; 10 tickets and above)
- Rain Pants (20; Various Sizes): Purchase through Amazon
- Hiking Daypack (12): Purchase through Amazon
- Undated Planners (40) Purchase through Amazon
- Bicycles (15)
- Science Experiment Book (2) Purchase through Amazon
- Toboggan Sleds (20) Purchase through Amazon
- Chemistry Experiment Kit (2) Purchase through Amazon
- Electrical Science Kit (2) Purchase through Amazon
- GED Book Purchase through Amazon
- White Boards Purchase through Amazon
- Geometry Kit (2) Purchase through Amazon
- Life Guard Tube (2)
- Sunglasses (10)
Our Transitional Services Top Needs
- Fidget Items (fidget cubes, triangle spinners, putty, etc): Purchase through Amazon
- Small Amount Gift Cards (Starbucks, Dutch Bros, McDonalds, etc):
- MP3 Players/ Ipods with no Internet or Camera Access
- Dateless Planners