24/7 CRISIS LINE: 800-901-2904
Albany House
(24/7 Shelter)
1240 7th Ave SE,
Corvallis House
(24/7 Shelter)
555 NW Jackson Ave
Youth Service Center
(Outreach Hub)
960 Queen Ave SW, Albany
Mission Central
225 SW 4th St, Corvallis

We don’t get pushed away. We don’t leave.
Our continuum of services is designed to prevent homelessness whenever possible and if it does occur to ensure that it is rare, brief, and one-time. We’re here to provide safety, stability, and well-being for youth and young adults by building positive relationship sand teaching skills for self-sufficiency.
(ages 10-24)
- Basic Needs
- Street & School Outreach
- Pop-up & Ally Drop-Ins
- Education Assist
- Mentoring
- Support Groups
- Mental Health Support
- Case Management
- Aftercare
24/7 Shelters
(ages 10-17)
- Safe Housing During Crisis
- Family Mediation
- Daily Living Skills
- Education Support
- Positive Activities
- Mental Health Support
- Case Management
- Aftercare
Next Steps
(ages 18-24)
- Long-term Housing
- Housing Navigation
- Education & Employment
- Peer Support
- Skills for Independence
- Mental Health Support
- Case Management
- Aftercare