Our Outreach Program makes connections, builds trust, reduces harm, and builds bridges to additional help and services. Street Outreach Teams offer basic needs like socks and snacks as a way to build trust.

What kinds of services are available for youth?
- Physical needs (clothing, food, hygiene kits, etc.)
- Case management
- Educational support
- Mentoring
- Employment assistance
- Independent living skills training
- Mental health crisis counseling
- COVID safety supplies & vaccine support
- Referrals for community-based services (therapy, family mediation, substance abuse treatment, employment training…)
Outreach Services Overview:
Our Outreach Program provides comprehensive services to any youth between the ages of 10-24. Outreach teams are made up of staff and volunteers who spend time during the week actively seeking out those in need. We span a 3 county region (Linn, Benton, Lincoln) which covers nearly 4,000 square miles and a population of over 250,000. We have set up Pop-Up Drop-In sites in 37 locations. These sites are portable, which enables us to meet youth where they’re at, rather than requiring them to come find us. All services offered through outreach are evidence-based and staff are trained in trauma-informed care and other best practices.
Youth, ages 10-24, who express a need for assistance.
Text our Outreach Team: 541-745-4591